At this time, Dr. Sabrina N'Diaye is not accepting new clients for therapy as she is conducting more trainings and workshops across the globe. There is a small window for returning clients to be seen for therapy. Please contact us if that is you. If your organization would like to have Dr. Sabrina N'Diaye facilitate a specific workshop, please contact us.
Learning and Growing with the Heart Nest
The Heart Nest Institute for Peace and Healing is a hub of learning, self-discovery, and personal growth, founded by Dr. Sabrina N’Diaye, a global leader in integrative health and wellness. Dr. Sabrina, (or Sister Sabrina, as she is often affectionately called), serves as a guide to our community of experts, who are also leaders in the fields of peace building, health, and personal transformation. Each Heart Nest practitioner is committed to living what they teach, and to lives of deep service to humanity.
They are here now to assist you to serve and guide you in your desire to heal, grow, and soar.
The Heart Nest is a woman-owned Certified Minority-Owned Enterprise. We are as diverse as the communities we serve.

Upcoming Events
On Demand Courses
Soul Speak Episode 5: Supporting Loved Ones on Their Healing Journey
Soul Speak Episode1 - "On Finding Love"
I wept, because for years He did not enter my arms; then one night I was told a secret: Perhaps the name you call God is not really His, maybe it is just an alias. I thought about it, and came up with a pet name for my Beloved I never mention to others. All I can say is- it works
- Rabia of Basra

Mind-Body Skills Groups
Mind-Body skills groups are the heart of our work in the Nest. Grounded with the breath, these groups are a weekly reunion of 8 to 10 people, meeting online in 2 hour sessions for 8 weeks. Each week, members learn (or re-visit) a self-care tool, designed to deepen your self-awareness, and assist you in landing at your own answers. These sacred tools include meditation, breathwork, movement, guided imagery, writing, eating for life, and creative expression.
Your mind and body are not separate entities--they work in unison to bring healing into every part of your amazing self.

Integrative Psychotherapy
Integrative Psychotherapy, also known as integrative mental health, explores the interconnection between our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. It is a delicate blend of ancient traditions with modern science. This blend provides healers and their clients with a “tool box” for healing the wounds of mental illness, trauma, addiction, and chronic illness. These tools include creative self-expression, relaxation, biofeedback, meditation, guided imagery, exercise, nutrition, and prayer.
